so every Wednesday for the past year i would say is karaoke day! yes i get the joy of hearing a bunch of drunks who think they are really good at singing!! and when i mean they think they are good they are terrible..well to go on with this story.... we have security like almost any other bar... we have it to protect the bartenders and other patrons. fair enough right.. well it is their job to patrol around, keep peace, and to throw the people out that need to be thrown out.. that includes underage drinking... yes if you get caught, you get tossed... well it just so happens a individual got tossed for that.. (not his first time) and his bff apparently got really upset about it... and while singing karaoke started calling our (pretty large) bouncer some very bad names. and these names include (sorry if i upset anyone, ) faggot, d-bag, m-fers. and some other choice words as he poured his drink all over the stage on purpose. (now to set the record straight we actually have had (and still do) Gay people who work for us. and when bashing goes on like this we as a "work family" get a little defensive. ) ok now back to the obviously this kid got "tossed "as well.

i am just saying when you run your mouth, you will get put in your place... especially when you run your mouth and the whole entire bar can hear you. ( i now understand why people hate college bars) well lets just say as this kid is on his way out he trips and falls.. and obviously turned into the biggest cry baby i have ever seen and immediately got up and briskly walked away... im sure he ran and told his friends how awful we were, and he later had the balls to tweet us and call us homophobic...really dude.. i think you need a time out from the bar for awhile...
one more reason i am sooo glad i work and do not drink.. i dont have to make a fool of myself while trying to sing!
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