Monday, May 9, 2011

its my birthday , do i get a free drink?

it never fails, at least once a weekend someone comes up to me and says something along the lines like its my birthday, can i get a free drink...always.... so my response as always is: what did you get me on my birthday? did you get me anything.. i dont think you did, so why would i buy you a drink?.  of course they get all huffy puffy and pissed off. but i mean hell i am responsible for paying for  any free drinks that go across the bar.. and if i dont know you really why would i even remotely get you a drink especially when i am 99%  sure you wont even tip me. 

on a brighter note.. if i do know you, and i like you of course ill get you a birthday shot..   or even a beer or whatever.. especially if you tip me...

why i brought this subject up is because some dbag 21 year old boy came in.. his friend bought him a shot of patron.. and of course the tool spilt a $7 shot. and immediately asked for another free one.. hell no i am not giving you a $7 shot. i dont even buy $7 shots for myself... let alone some dumb after i told him no... he got a jack and coke.. ok thats $5.25. what i cant even get a discount.. ill show you my id.. no you cant now your bill just went up to $5.75 .. 

oh birthdays!!!!

1 comment:

  1. i just turned twenty one today but its funny how people think cause its your birthday that means you get free shit. what if ten people in the same town turned 21 then thats ten shots and at 7 bucks thats to high
